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Group Workshops

★ Interactive ★
★ Fully Customized ★
★ Scientific and Evidence Based ★
★ Practical and Solution Focused ★

What to expect from Adlul's Group Workshops?

Higly interactive Group workshops are provided for teams, athletes, coaches, parents and other. Only evidence based, state of the art materials are included to ensure the learning outcomes.

Adlul's workshops are not lectures or talks. The workshops are designed to be fully interactive with full engagement from the participants. Participants are highly encouraged to ask questions, provide inputs and feedbacks during the workshops.

While Adlul usually covers topics and themes that are often of serious and complex nature, he designs the workshops using many interactive tools, multimedia devices, and exercises to make sure that the participants are having a good time while learning.

Learning is far more effective when participants are excited about attending and not see the workshop as a boring lecture or chore.

Adlul delivers all his workshop in a very fun and easy to understand way. All contents are delivered using lay language, which means participants are not required to have any prior knowledge of the subjects being covered or any specific academic background.

Workshops are designed using only the materials that have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective.

Adlul uses state of the art technology to facilitate best learning outcome for the participants. In each workshop, Adlul provides the following equipments when applicable:
Multimedia Projector -
Speaker System -
Interactive Multimedia System -

Adlul's workshops usually comprises a combination of theories and guided practical exercises. 

When needed, Adlul provides explanation for using various exercises and tools before teaching them to his clients. An intervention tool is proven to be more effective when a client understands the theory behind it.

Most of Adlul's Workshops also consist of one or more guided exercises that are backed up by the theories.

Adlul does not have a common set of presentation slides that he uses for all of his workshops. He customizes his materials before each workshop to make the contents relevant and relatable to the attending participants.

While designing workshops special emphasis is given to several aspects of the clients such as including age, gender, sports, geographic location, cultural and ethnic background, etc.


Size of Participating Groups

There is no fixed size for groups taking part in Adlul's workshop but ideally each participating group should comprise between 5 and 30 participants.

Lenght of Workshop Sessions

Each session may last from 45 minutes upto 2 hours depending on the topic and theme being discussed as well as requirements and intents of the client. The lenght of a session may also be subject to availability of appointment slots.

Age Groups

Adlul has vast experience of working with clients of different ages, and has a proven track record of connecting and buildning meaningful therapeutic relationship with different age groups

Children: 6 to 12 years

Adolescents and Young Adults: 13 to 21 Year olds

Adults: 21 and older

Contents (presentations slides, video clips, images, supporting examples, etc.) and delivery methods used in workshops are carefully chosen to make them suitable for the age groups of the participants

Workshop Themes and Topics

Prior to every workshop program, Adlul always meets in person (or communicates via another convenient medium) with a coach, parent or anyone representing the participants to discuss their needs and requirements. Based on that information Adlul designs the workshop including contents to fit their requirements.
Following are some exampels of Sport Psychology Workshop Topics and Themes:

Introduction to Mental Skills Training

Mental Toughness

Building Confidence

Manaiging Stress and Anxiety

Preparation for Tournament

Building Confidence

Career Management & Strategies

Focus and Concentration

Balancing Life and Training

Feel free to contact with your questions!

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“The scope of one’s personality is defined by the magnitude of that problem which is capable of driving a person out of his wits.”
― Sigmund Freud

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Adlul Kamal, M.Sc. - Sport and Exercise Psychology

248 Rochester Avenue, Winnipeg, R3T 3W2 MB Canada


Email: adlul@mail.com
Phone: +1 204 470 3570