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Individual Consultancy Program

★ Compassionate ★
★ Customized for every Cleint ★
★ Results Driven ★
★ Goal Oriented ★
★ 100% Confidential ★

What to expect from the Individual Program?

Individual services are provided to each client in a safe confidential environment while focusing on the very details of the issues and concerns of the client. 

Regardless of how embarrassing your issues are, Adlul takes a compassionate and non-judgemental approach to listen to his clients and find the best possible solution to address the issues. 

Individual consultancy programs provides a fully confidential and safe space to open up about your issues. Adlul has extensive training in active listening and providing the clients with the appropriate support.

Adlul will listen to the details of your concerns before finding the best possible solution.

Adlul works in partnership with his clients while addressing the concerns and regards the inputs from clients very highly.

Programs are designed to be results driven and goal oriented. But goals are set in full participation from the clients while focusing on his/her specific concerns. 

Timeline of the Individual Programs
There are no restrictions with regards to the length of the program. A program may last from a few sessions to several years depending on the goals, needs, and the intents of the clients.

Adlul provides short term programs lasting between two to eigth sessions. These programs are more suitable for clients who wish to focus on and address very specific concerns.

Medium length programs are intended for clients who wishes to work with Adlul on a regular basis for several months, get regular feedback, and receive support on a more longditudinal basis. Length of the program may last between 8 sessions to several months.

Long Term programs who wishes to receive support on a comprehensive level and work with Adlul on a longitudinal basis. Long term programs don't really have any specific timeline and the therapeutic relationship may continue for several years depending on the intents and goals of the client.

Lenght of each Session
Each session may last from 45 minutes upto 2 hours depending on the requirements and intents of the client. The lenght of a session may also be subject to availability of appointment slots.
The Program Process
Although the programs are highly customized to fit the client's needs, and are not restricted to a particular structure, but to given an overview, a counselling/therapeutic process includes a number of steps/phases including as follows.

Introduction is the phase where the client and the consultant becomes accustomed to each other and begins to develop a therpeutic relationship. This is a critical stage of the process because the quality of trust and relationship between the client and the consultant is a strong determenent of success.

Adlul has a proven track record of building strong therapeutic relationship with his clients. His international exposure and experience of working with diverse groups of people allows him to relate to and connect with different types of people and build strong tustful relationship with high degree of efficiency.

Assessment is the stage where the therapist observes, and tries to grasp the client's scinario using various tools, and identify the problems/concerns.

Adlul uses a multidisciplinary approach in his assessment using tools from various branches of Psychology, Physiology, and Sports Medecine.

Some of Adlul's assessment tools may include but not limited to:

⇨ Intake assessment form
⇨ Observation
⇨ In-person conversation

Having gathered the necassary information through assessment, the consultant will try to analyze the information, look for the antecedents and precursors of the problem behaviour, conceptualize the problem, and come up with an intervention plan.

Having understood the precursors of the client's problems in details, the consultant then comes up with an intervention plan, which may include tools such as various mental skills exercises, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

After the impementation of the intervention, the client and the consultant will together evaluate impact of the intervention and make necassary adjustments to further improve the quality of the program.

Should you only seek help when there is a serious problem?

Although most researchers are on agreement on the essence of mental wellbeing and its impact, we still live in a world where mental health remains a neglected area, and it is still popular to seek help only when there is a serious condition.

It is still a popular belief that we should seek help regarding our mental health only when there is a severe issue. But this is a complete misconception because the idea that mental health services is only intended for seriously ill people is completely false.

You shouldn't have to wait to FIX IT till its completely BROKEN, because mental health or mental training is not just about fixing. Various mental health related services are about self-reflection and self-development, which teach people how to take better care of themselves, and equip them with various coping tools that allows them to prevent any potential illnesses, and realize their true potential.

Ethics and Confidentiality
As a professional member of the CSPA, Adlul is professionally obligated to maintain the ethical standards laid out by the CSPA Code of Ethics.

Informed consent is sought from clients before any program related activities as gathering information from client or using various intervention tools. No action is taken without the consent of the client.

Any information shared by the client or collected by the consultant is guranteed to remain confidential. The consultant is has the professional and legal obligation to maintain the client's confidentiality with the exception of specific circumstances.

The consultant may break confidentiality when he has reason to beleive that:

⇨ The client is in a position where s/he may cause serious harm/injury to him/herself
⇨ The client is in a position where s/he may cause serious harm/injury to another individual
⇨ The client is in a position where s/he is subject to being seriously harmed or injured by another individual

As a professional member of the CSPA Adlul is professionally obligated to promote and maintain high degree of integrity and competence in line with the CSPA guideline for ethics, which includes:

⇨ Proper representation of qualifications and expertise
⇨ Provide only those services and use only those techniques for which qualification is obtained by education, training, or experience. 

Please Click here to access the CSPA Code of Ethics Page

“The scope of one’s personality is defined by the magnitude of that problem which is capable of driving a person out of his wits.”
― Sigmund Freud

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Adlul Kamal, M.Sc. - Sport and Exercise Psychology

248 Rochester Avenue, Winnipeg, R3T 3W2 MB Canada


Phone: +1 204 470 3570